Low Productivity At Work
Have you ever experienced low productivity at work?
Our Fun Friday moved a team from 80% to 95% productivity in only six months. That’s crazy, right? Not only did we have low productivity, but we had low morale too. This department had five managers in two years. In fact, they placed bets on how long I would last.
As a Corporate Impact expert, I knew how we could change this. And we did. We went viral – in a good way. Other groups wanted to watch us in action on FUN Friday. Our leadership team wanted the other sites to model us, so they could achieve the same achievements we did.
Our Fun Friday approach to increase engagement and productivity with this team also worked in these areas:
Communication – which is not only talking but listening as well
Collaboration – work with other organizations to unite our team further
Results – the leadership team noticed
Cost Savings – This team saved $250,000 and two FTE in just one year
Expansion within the company – our success has opened doors for other departments.
All this from implementing FUN. And it’s so simple, people can hardly believe it sometimes.
Don't be afraid to implement FUN in your workplace! Download Missy's 10 Tips for Fun in the Workplace.
Ready to implant FUN into your workplace? Contact Missy: missy@missyday.com.